History of Digital Photography
For me to study photography, I had the intention of being a documenter for daily life. I think it is always so beautiful to keep a record of pieces of beauties in daily life. Especially when you look back at them. The invention of the digital camera is mainly because the more advanced technology in digital recording. To store the photos on a soft drive is becoming reachable. It also allows photographer to delete those photos that are not successful, and save the spaces for other photos. The digital method is more efficient in terms of films and more economically friendly for people to work with. It might lower the standard for people to become a photographer, but I think it offers more convenient ways for pro photographers to work with their photos and allow those artists who is not wealthy to achieve goals.
Also, I was not originally intended to become an artist, but a documentary photographer. In my opinion, photographer is the person who records not artist because photographer is not creating art works. However, I learned they can also record art works created by them using their camera. I would still not refer myself as artists because I am generally recording things from daily life, and even for the digital art class, I feel like my strength is recreate works after collecting resources from others, and my level of art is basically standing on others' work's level. This could also be a kind of restriction. However, I have done some cool things.